Voppell 500 Checklist of Documents Needed to File Your Tax Return
C Corp/S Corp/Multi Member LLC/Partnerships | |
1 | Previous year Tax Return / first year exempt |
2 | Articles of Organization/Articles of Incorporation |
3 | Statement of Information |
4 | Operating Agreement/Bi-Laws |
5 | EIN |
6 | Business Financials: Profit and Loss Detailed and Balance Sheet Detailed |
7 | Business Financials: Profit and Loss Standard (Previous Year Comparison) |
8 | Business Financials: Balance Sheet Standard (Previous Year Comparison) |
9 | Bank statements and bank reconciliation for every cash account (December 2020, and January 2021) |
10 | Accounts receivable aging |
11 | Credit card statements and reconciliation (December 2020, and January 2021) |
12 | Year payroll reports – should tie to your books (Send a W3 and DE9s) |
13 | Backup for each long term loan |
14 | Backup for each long term assets (PPE) |
15 | Accounts Payable Aging |
16 | Depreciation Expense Reports |
17 | Sales Tax Report for Q4 – Previous Year |
18 | Inventory Listing |
19 | List of fixed asset additions including name, description, date of purchase and amount |
20 | List of fixed assets that you want to dispose |
21 | Printout of activities on officer loans or withdrawals |
22 | Any other tax documents needed for the process not listed above (For example, 1099 Misc, Div, and INT) |
23 | Copy of Driver’s License (from all Partners/LLC Members) |
24 | Social Security Number (of all Partners/LLC Members) |
25 | Current Addresses (of all Partners/Corporation/Entity) |
26 | S Corp Letter from the IRS |
27 | Any other documentations |
28 | State required minimum payment proof |
Non-Profit | |
1 | Previous year tax return |
2 | Articles of Incorporation |
3 | Non profit acknowledgement letter from the IRS |
4 | Important to identify the type of 501 c it is |
5 | Bank Statement and reconciliations for all accounts at end of the year |
6 | Bank statements for all accounts at end of the year |
7 | Depreciation Schedule- Do you have it in Excel Format |
8 | Listing of Accounts Payable/ Accrued Expense at June 30 2019 |
9 | Copy of Quarterly Returns 941 and DE-9. Also 940 and W-3 for 2019 |
10 | Credit Card statements and reconciliations that cover end of the year |
11 | Copy of documents for Grants |
12 | Copy of all Grant and Donations for the year (For the Donations only those in excess of $5,000) |
13 | Number of volunteers in the organizations for the year July 1 2018 to June 30 2019 |
14 | Form 1096 for the year |
15 | Number of 1099’s filed during the Calendar year (before the Organization’s fiscal year e.g. if 12/31/2020 fiscal year you would use Calendar 2020) ___________________ |
16 | Number of W-2’s filed during the Calendar year (before the Organization’s fiscal year e.g. if 12/31/2020 fiscal year you would use Calendar 2020) ___________________ |
17 | List of officers and their salaries |
18 | List of Board of Directors and their salaries |
19 | Statement of Functional Expenses |
20 | Balance Sheet |
21 | Statement of Revenue |
22 | List of any funds received from the Government along with the following info (i) Name of Agency (ii) $ received, (iii) contact person, (iv) address and phone number. |
23 | Number of voting members on the governing body____________________ [Please verify that this number is the same as the number of all of the board of directors. ] |
24 | List of any officer , director or employees with over $100,000 in compensation. (ii) Please also provide the actual amount of the compensation paid to those exceeding $100,000. N/A |
25 | List of independent contractors who received compensation over $100,000. Please (ii) Please also provide the actual amount of the compensation paid to those exceeding $100,000 |
26 | List of names of the Board of Directors who provided governance during the tax return filing period. Please also, indicated next to the aforementioned names, their Title if any, and (c.) the Average hours per week, per member and position. |
Individual taxes | |
1 | Previous year income tax returns/or Social Security Card Picture |
2 | W2’s – Or any proof of income received in the US or abroad |
3 | Any Self-Employment Health Insurance Payments/Any Medical Expenses, or proof of health insurance in general |
4 | Proof of any stock trades if applicable (1099 – B) |
5 | Any business income (1099 – Misc/NEC) and/or expense for self-employed or single member LLC owners |
6 | Any investment income (1099 – Div/INT) |
7 | Any Donations |
8 | Mortgage Interests (1098) |
9 | Student Loan Interest (1098-E) |
10 | Rental Revenue and Expenses (Detailed, Including Address and Closing Docs) |
11 | Copy of Driver’s License (And your spouse’s) |
12 | Information about any real estate properties sold in the current year (cost, date of purchase, what the property is used for, improvements, and address) – Provide 1099-S |
13 | Any K1s |
14 | Any Dependents? (Include their ID’s and social security) |
15 | IRA distributions 1099-R |
16 | Property Taxes Paid |
17 | Home office (total square feet of the house, and the portion used for business) and all the rent, utilities, and house expenses in case you are an independent contractor |
18 | Any Social Security Payments – SSA-1099 |
19 | Any unemployment payment – 1099-G |
20 | Filing Status: Single, Married Jointly, Married Separately, Widow, Head of Household |
21 | Estimated Taxes Paid by date – provide proof |
22 | Does someone claim you as a dependent |
23 | Would like your refund to be direct deposits or check/Would you like to pay your taxes automatically or send check |
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Accounting And Finance Services
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